

Oct 18, 2016
2009 E93 335i
Why did you remove all your posts :-( The only one with some nice B48 topic

The reason he removed his posts is because I was receiving Facebook messages from him promoting a Facebook group (which people try to do all the time, they go to the members list and send invites to my members) and I did what I always do which is ban them from all the Facebook groups that I run to prevent them from leeching all the members away. I did this with no idea or thought to who he was but he started a PM here, with me ironically, talking shit about me saying I'm some kid who can't run a Facebook group or something, I don't remember. I told him he was being disrespectful and because he makes 400 hp he doesn't need to apologize and it's my loss. Something like that. Supposedly he was just trying to show me his group and not promote it (which is bullshit, lol I mean he is pushing it in this same thread) which happens to serve the same purpose of the Record Book feature I had previewed to him earlier. He demanded I delete all his posts and I told him do it himself. If there was an ounce of respect or even a simple 'whoops', which there wasn't, I would have been happy to fix it. The end.


Aug 21, 2020
Well done & thank you for the explanation :)

He was one of the few with some B48 content. Guess i ll have to share my experience with my B48 then (if i just would not be so shy - LOL)


New Member
May 13, 2021
Lets share all the conversations.
I was never disrespectful nor did I call you a kid, I simply told you what I heard.


  • Blocked from B48 and B58 Groups _ SpoolStreet Forums.pdf
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Aug 21, 2020
Holy moly. On one hand its a loss to the B48 fanatics, on the other hand you need to respect the rules.

However, grown up man should be able to find a solution :) I would love to see your content and builds back on spoolstreet.


New Member
May 13, 2021
I abided by all the rules and only messaged him the group link to help him as he was working on a leaderboard.
If I did something against the group rules I would have apologized.
See attached group rules for his FB B48 group for clarification.

I have no intentions of stealing his members and only cared about helping the b48 community.

Everything I said is factual as you can see by all the conversations.


  • B48 Group Rules.JPG
    B48 Group Rules.JPG
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Oct 18, 2016
2009 E93 335i
Lets not forget your first response to my question of "were you were advertising":
I also messaged the admins on FB and no response which is absolutely poor on their side. They should provide a warning or something before immediately blocking someone for no reason. The group management is poor. I called spool and the guy who answered told me its some kid managing the account and blocking people for no reason and also he got blocked for no reason as well and he never bothered.
This is at a moment when I have no idea what is going on. Those messages you are posting sent to my Facebook page were after the fact, you had them by yourself so its not like there was some actual conversation happening. I still to this day have not checked them because I have no reason to get into a discussion with somebody about why they were blocked, those types of people just want to argue for hours on end.

Not to mention I have told you multiple times its disrespectful and that you should walk back your take on the situation:
That "kid" is me. Maybe you call someone approaching 40 a kid? Who did you speak to? SpoolStreet or Spool Performance? Spool Performance, aka Ajay is a platinum vendor of mine and I speak to him regularly. You were promoting your facebook group via messenger, that is insta ban. If I came into your business and started promoting my business, you would call that ok? I don't need to explain myself bud. If you can't see how that would be inappropriate thats cool. Ban first, ask question later is the process. I don't have 8 hours a day to explain myself to every single person. Perhaps you should have asked first.

You will never have access again with the sheer disrespect you're pushing in this conversation. Maybe you should roll this back and realize that I don't owe you jack. You didn't check with the admins about the rules before promoting your group, did you?

If you had continued this conversation with an ounce of respect and not being butt hurt that I don't kneel to your almighty contributions, despite I have no idea who you are, then maybe we have something to discuss. Sounds like you want me to say, oh, I'm sorry for blocking you. Well, that won't happen because sending members messages to promote an external group is not allowed.


To be very clear, I have no adversion to unblocking you, you've been rude and simply asked that you acknowledge that which you seem to refuse to do. Go read my first reply to you. Did that warrant the 'kid' comments and the overall disrespect? I am Tyler,I've been nothing but kind to you. I also don't owe anyone a response from my personal Facebook account either, not to mention I didn't even see your reply. Once I saw you send me that request I assume like the doEns and dozens of other people you are starting a group that is in direct competition to what I'm doing and are promoting it by going through the members list. This isn't my first time through this.

I've also learned that trying to reach out and explain turns into a five hour argument which I can't win. So put yourself in my position, if someone violates what I consider a bannable offense, I ban them.

When you messaged me here I did not make that connection. There are many people banned every day for a variety of reasons. I run a lot of groups and spend several hours every day doing nothing but responding to fights and banning spammers and people violating the vendor rules.

But with all that aside, calling me a kid and saying my management is poor when you have ZERO idea who I am or how I run things, is disrespectful. Either you acknowledge that or kick rocks. I had not been rude to you and was happy to share information about the new record book and give you early access etc.

It should be very easy for you to understand that I'm protecting something I worked hard for, if you can't then you're no better than the Chinese copy cats stealing people's work as far as I'm concerned. I can put the pride aside but only if you can. This conversation generally goes very differently but you started things off with salt and pepper.

If anyone wants a template on how to NOT get unblocked, this is a good starting place. I've unbanned essentially every person who has ever asked me on Facebook, mostly because they are mistakes/misunderstandings or they didn't know the rules so I give them another go. You felt it was necessary to talk shit and spread rumor about my age and my management abilities on your quest to get back on the group apparently. I don't honestly know what anyone is expected to say when approached this way. I'm not a consumer facing business. I don't sell a product to you. Those businesses will clench their teeth and smile back at obnoxious customers. Not here, lol. My customers are the businesses you deal with and not a one of them would ask me for a change in the way you have.

On multiple responses to you, I let you know what you said pissed me off and that you aren't getting back on here unless you stop being an entitled dick. We take action for or against hundreds of people every day, I don't have hours outside of my day to spend to notify each one of them what we did and why. That is retarded. If you're waiting for 5 star service, then you're going to be waiting a long time, everyone knows on this website nobody is sugarcoating anything. Take your mind numbing 400hp somewhere else until then bud. Have a nice day.
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